Author: Robert Badás

Robert Badás
Expisoft AB has been responsible for the technical operation of electronic credentials for many years, but as of year-end, Expisoft AB has also taken over the issuance, support and sale of Steria e-credentials.
For you as a customer, there is no difference in using your current e-ID or when you renew it, you do the same as before.

If you have any questions regarding this change, please contact us, easiest to contact us
or tel: 020-120 00 44

About Expisoft
Expisoft is a Swedish company with high competence and long experience in IT security, especially in the PKI area, CA services, electronic credentials, digital signatures, etc. Expisoft has developed security products and security solutions under several different names (Bull, Integris, Steria) since the early 1990s.

For more information, see also