E-service identification (Card)

The e-identification is installed on a smart card (type ATM card). A card reader and the ExpiClient security software must be installed on the computer to be used.

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E-tjänstelegitimation (Kort)
Beskrivning inmatningsfält

Saknar ni anställningsnummer kan ni ange ex. era initialer

Innehavarens e-postadress, använd bla vid utskick av påminnelse när giltighetstiden för e-legitimation närmar sig

Notering (valfritt)
Här kan ni ge en information om e-legitimationen som kommer att skickas ut till er i samband med att påminnelse skickas till er
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Input field description
Employment number *
If you do not have an employment number, you can enter ex. your initials
Email Address
The holder's e-mail address, use, among other things, when sending a reminder when the validity period for e-identification is approaching
Listing (optional)
Here you can provide information about the e-identification that will be sent out to you in connection with a reminder being sent to you

Enter activation code