Test Ediel CA v3 certificate

EDIEL certificates are used for tests by the new publisher "EDIEL CA v3", the certificates have a limited validity period of 6 months.
Only for operators connected to Svenska kraftnät. Rules for orders are written by Svenska Kraftnät.
It is important that the person ordering is listed as the certificate manager for the operator in the Edielportalen.

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Test Ediel CA v3 certifikat
Beskrivning inmatningsfält

Det ID-nummer (fem siffror) som rapportören tilldelats för kommunikation av mätvärden

SMTP adress*
Aktörens e-postadress för Edielmeddelande. Kontrollera att det är den som är registrerad på ert aktörs ID i Edielportalen.

Leverans av koder för hämtning av beställt EDIEL certifikat sker via SMS meddelande. Ange mobiltelefonnummer.
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Input field description

Ediel Number *
The ID number (five digits) assigned to the reporter for communication of measured values

SMTP address *
The actor's e-mail address for Ediel message. Check that it is the one that is registered on your Actor ID in the Ediel portal.

Mobile phone number*
Delivery of codes for downloading the ordered EDIEL certificate write via SMS message. Enter mobile phone number.

Enter activation code